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You have signed up for the official one-and-only Gregg Braden newsletter. Please enjoy the 12th track from my audiobook, The Wisdom Codes: Ancient Words to Rewire our Brains and Heal Our Hearts. 


Please enjoy this bonus gift, the 1st episode of my Gaia series, Missing Links.

Cycles of Time from Missing Links

with Gregg Braden

Humanity is set to face a rare convergence of three massive cycles of change. In this inaugural episode, Gregg Braden guides us through the evidence which charts the simultaneous peaking of economic, human conflict and solar cycles. The rise and fall in each of these cycles holds major implications for our civilization. As all three cycles are beginning to peak, a new story about humanity emerges. For us to understand how this story will unfold, we must first take an honest look at who we really are and where we came from.

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